“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”
UpRight Movement is now affiliated with NABOSO Technology. Because movement is about interacting with your environment, we are partnering with NABOSO Technology to enrich your training environment and help you enhance your movement.
What we train on, whether it be a yoga mat or AstroTurf, ultimately influences how our foot activates and communicates with the rest of our nervous system. This is especially important when we are training barefoot or focusing on movements that require rapid stabilization.
Naboso (meaning “barefoot” in Czech) is the first-ever small nerve proprioceptive material commercially available in the health and fitness industry. The skin on the bottom of the foot contains thousands of (small nerve) proprioceptors, which are sensitive to different stimuli including texture, vibration, skin stretch, deep pressure and light touch. When stimulated these proprioceptors play an important role in how we maintain upright stance, activate our postural muscles and dynamically control impact forces.
Naboso Technology was founded by Podiatrist, Human Movement Specialist and Global Barefoot Science Leader Dr Emily Splichal of New York City. Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career to teaching professionals and patients worldwide the power of activating the nervous system and establishing what she calls foot to core stability – from the ground up.
Throughout Dr Splichal’s teachings she began to notice that as soon as people activated their nervous system they would then train on surfaces that would immediately de-activate the feet and delay the nervous system again. What we train on, whether it be a yoga mat or AstroTurf, ultimately influences how our foot activates and communicates with the rest of our nervous system. This is especially important when we are training barefoot or focusing on movements that require rapid stabilization.
No training surface to date has been designed to specifically target the small nerve proprioceptors on the bottom of the feet. Dr Splichal knew that the time was right and the industry was ready for a material specific to the barefoot stimulation – and thus began the evolution of Naboso Technology.
Power Your Health, Movement and Performance with NABOSO Technology within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Fitness section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines.
Click Here For: NABOSO Technology
Christy Marks, T12 – L1 Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Recovery, Performing on NABOSO Technology Mats