by Corey Jung | Feb 12, 2015 | Mindset, Movement |
Movement is Essential, Exercise is Optional. What does that mean? When all else is equal, those who can manage Ground Reaction Forces optimally Feel, Move, and Perform Better. In other words: Movement Minimums are Essential, Exercise Maximums are Optional. Gravity and biological processes are constants within our lives. You can do many things in terms of nutrition and lifestyle that can speed up those finite biological processes or slow them down. In order to be durable and able to move and experience this physical world comfortably you require a minimal level of health and fitness ability. If long-term health, fitness, and quality of life are a concern, try a long-term “sustainable” view. Perhaps rather than moving harder and exercising more, you may consider economy. The Minimal Effective Dose: The Minimal Effective Dose (MED) is defined simply: the smallest dose that will produce a desired outcome. In everyday life we instinctively understand that anything beyond the MED is wasteful. For example- to boil water, the MED is 212°F (100°C) at standard air pressure. Boiled is boiled. Higher temperatures will not make it “more boiled.” Higher temperatures just consume more resources that could be used for something else more productive. In the field of Performance Training we look at Minimal Effective Dose as it relates to load, speed, FORCE, complexity, volume, and frequency. At UpRight Movement, we carefully consider precise “dosing” of both exercise and nutrition for all of our clients. Roughly 80% of your improvements can be attributed to 20% of your efforts. Manage efficient movements for maximum benefit, while balancing vital resources to elicit Regeneration and Adaptation = Better Life...
by Corey Jung | Jan 30, 2015 | Mindset, Movement, News, Nutrition/Hydration, Recovery |
I began training with UpRight Movement when I was recovering from an upper back injury. I’m a very fit and active 70 year old and spend regular time working out: lifting, cardio, hiking, and walking. I found UpRight Movement to be very knowledgeable about body mechanics, nutrition, and the process of recovery from an injury. I still perform UpRight Movement’s recommended series of exercises. It is my weekly tune up- I feel stronger and more efficient! I feel UpRight Movement is an advocate of the fit for life ideals I believe in and practice. Diana Heberger UpRight Movement can help you to identify and train to reduce the risk of injury BEFORE it happens. Return from Injury The most common question in any injury is simple; WHEN CAN I BE ACTIVE AGAIN!?! The answer to this question of return to activity is critical because a previous injury is the number one cause of any injury whether it is a concussion, sprain, or pulled muscle. Return to activity refers to the point during the injury recovery process when a person is able to go back to moving, working, or playing at a pre-injury level. Using our qualifying processes, UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier able to base return to activity on simple, repeatable, objective measures as well as three levels of clearance; Pain, Quality and Quantity. Everyday Factors for Injury susceptibility: Previous Injury Functional Asymmetries Sub-Optimal Neuromuscular Coordination High non-lean mass to muscle mass ratio, and low strength to bodyweight ratio Poor Judgment Additional Factors for Pain/Injury susceptibility: MINDSET: Non-Conscious Bias Imbalanced Posture and Inability to access Primitive Postures of Restoration,...
by Corey Jung | Jan 16, 2015 | Mindset, Recovery |
“All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.” Paracelsus Exercise can be a powerful force in either direction. It can build you up or break you down. The mind map image above gives an overview of a few of our external and internal stressors. Although life is full of stressors and we are designed to handle some of them, when experienced in excess, no amount of exercise in the world can out-compete the body’s vital self-regulation and recovery processes. The human body has a hierarchy of needs and will prioritize and manage its many systems and resources to achieve the balance essential to life. Therefore, in order to get the most out of your exercise efforts consider the many other life and lifestyle variables involved. Some variables we can have a greater influence upon than others. By using the, Daily Readiness Monitor, Daily Regeneration Monitor, Daily Readiness Index and Regeneration Guidelines within the resources section you may be able to identify, prioritize, and leverage your efforts to elicit the greatest positive results possible. ...
by Corey Jung | Jan 8, 2015 | Mindset, Movement, Nutrition/Hydration, Recovery |
To optimize health and performance for every individual, it is essential four key areas are exercised in a balanced manner: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. These elements operate interdependently and ultimately have a very powerful influence that may help with optimal gene expression. Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement alone aren’t enough. But together, and incorporated into daily habits, balancing these four fundamentals serve as a Force Multiplier to help you succeed now—and for life to Feel, Move, and Perform Better. “As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Upgrading performance means upgrading behavior through improved Thoughts, Actions, and Habits. Mindset Mindset is about leveraging the power of your thoughts to best serve you- it’s one of the best tools to manage stress. Thoughts can greatly influence your reality, and they are probably your number one asset when properly utilized. Many diet and exercise programs assume that formulating good eating habits and getting in better shape are all you need, but that only works in the short term. For true health and performance to be realized it’s essential to practice a mindset that is authentic to your values and considers the process just as important as the outcome goals. For long-term success, it’s important to create a practice that will help guide you through the process and keep you motivated toward a big-picture lifestyle change. Recovery HEALTHY STRESS + REST = RESILIENCE Lengthy workouts...