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It is an honor and responsibility to serve you- helping you be your best and to feel, move, and perform better. See Regeneration Resources: Tools to Support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better.
Recent Blog Posts

“The Hero Path We have not even to risk the adventure alone for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known … we have only to follow the thread of the hero path. And where we had thought to find an abomination we shall find a God. And where we had thought to slay another we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outwards we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone we shall be with all the world.” Joseph Campbell 1. CALL TO ADVENTURE The Call to Adventure is about getting you, the hero, started on the right track. After learning where the hero has previously come from and what is needed most, we will help you forge a new path. Over the course of at least four sessions within a month, you will leave with a new understanding of what’s required of your body and mind. 2. MEETING WITH MENTOR Meeting with the Mentor is for those who want a little more consistent guidance along their journey. A deeper relationship is formed over the course of regular weekly visits for at least a season. The hero is still largely walking their path on their own but, there is frequent course corrections to ensure the hero is still headed towards their ultimate vision with guidance from UpRight Movement. Along the way, the hero will be initiated in a much more efficient route. The mentor will provide movements for any deficiencies, sport specific...
Rehab + Training = Success
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller Because UpRight Movement is dedicated to providing you with best-in-practice services we have joined with Pivotal Connections Physical Therapy and Sports Enhancement to provide complimentary service at the same location. Together we’re raising the level of care and service we provide to you. UpRight Movement and Pivotal Connections are both members of the Functional Movement Systems community, bringing you the best in rehabilitation and...
Know Thyself: Daily Readiness Manager
“Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the Treasures of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.” The Oracle At Delphi Minimize Injuries, Maximize Performance Intelligent solutions seeking out marginal gains: Those one percent differentiators that will take you from good to great. The primary limiters of human physical movement and performance is our biological state and how well we interact with the ground and gravity. Our ability to function and perform is limited by how well we can recover from a multitude of seen and unseen stressors, in addition to managing ground reaction forces that move up the body and cause injury problems. At Upright movement, we have previously addressed these limits with our Regeneration Guidelines, Daily Regeneration Monitor, Daily Readiness Index, Standards, Movement Signature, and now our Daily Readiness Manager. We feel that UpRight Movement has a responsibility to you and thus we are constantly evolving to be better, so that you’re better, and able to pass that “better” along to others in your life. We think of the Daily Readiness Manager as a “Pre-Flight Checklist” that can help you achieve the results you want. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. UpRight Movement is a Force...
Unlock Your Potential
“Look to the nervous system as the key to maximum health.” Galen UpRight Movement is now affiliated with Halo Neuroscience. Because movement is about skill development, we are partnering with Halo Neuroscience to stimulate your nervous system and help you enhance your movement skills. Halo Sport, the first product from Halo Neuroscience, applies the science of neurostimulation to athletic training. Designed to integrate seamlessly into your workout, Halo Sport stimulates the brain’s motor cortex during training to accelerate improvements in strength, skill, and explosiveness. This scientific process is called Neuropriming. In essence, pairing Halo Sport with training makes practice more productive for the athlete. Halo Sport was developed after an exhaustive review of a decade of scientific research, and rigorous testing with thousands of users by their team of experienced neuroscientists and engineers. Halo Sport is designed to the highest standard of engineering, incorporating Halo’s extensive patented technology for reliability, usability, and effectiveness. Scientifically, Neuropriming with Halo Sport places the brain’s motor cortex in a temporary state of hyperplasticity, or hyperlearning. When paired with athletic training, Halo Sport facilitates the development of stronger, more optimized neuromuscular output. Neuropriming refines the brain’s ability to learn and adapt to athletic training, which allows athletes to achieve results faster. A Neuropriming session runs for 20 minutes. Learning benefits last for about the following 60 minutes. For best results, most athletes begin their Neuropriming session during their warm-up then transition to training, feeding the brain deliberate, quality, and intense repetitions. Athletes unable to use Halo Sport while training, such as swimmers in a pool, complete their entire Neuropriming session during a warm-up. The...
From The Ground Up
“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” Leonardo Di Vinci UpRight Movement is now affiliated with NABOSO Technology. Because movement is about interacting with your environment, we are partnering with NABOSO Technology to enrich your training environment and help you enhance your movement. What we train on, whether it be a yoga mat or AstroTurf, ultimately influences how our foot activates and communicates with the rest of our nervous system. This is especially important when we are training barefoot or focusing on movements that require rapid stabilization. Naboso (meaning “barefoot” in Czech) is the first-ever small nerve proprioceptive material commercially available in the health and fitness industry. The skin on the bottom of the foot contains thousands of (small nerve) proprioceptors, which are sensitive to different stimuli including texture, vibration, skin stretch, deep pressure and light touch. When stimulated these proprioceptors play an important role in how we maintain upright stance, activate our postural muscles and dynamically control impact forces. Naboso Technology was founded by Podiatrist, Human Movement Specialist and Global Barefoot Science Leader Dr Emily Splichal of New York City. Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career to teaching professionals and patients worldwide the power of activating the nervous system and establishing what she calls foot to core stability – from the ground up. Throughout Dr Splichal’s teachings she began to notice that as soon as people activated their nervous system they would then train on surfaces that would immediately de-activate the feet and delay the nervous system again. What we train on, whether it be a yoga mat or AstroTurf,...
Movement Signature Room: Feel Better Move Better Perform Better
Mission: UpRight Movement helps change lives for the better through education focused on health, pain-free movement, and performance. THE FOUNDATION FOR EVERYTHING WE DO IS AN UNSWERVING COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE. UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier applying technology and data to the pursuit of human resilience. The MICROGATE Platform is used by Professional, Military, and Olympic Teams world-wide to qualify and quantify performance potential, identify and reduce injury risk, and improve performance efficiency. UpRight Movement utilizes the OptoGait technology to objectively evaluate people of all ages and abilities in order to identify their Movement Signature. The OptoGait system is used by all US Olympic Training Centers, the US Military at West Point, and Professional Sports Teams throughout the USA & Europe to efficiently and effectively evaluate human performance. OptoGait can quickly and accurately evaluate gait (the rhythmical execution of your body’s joints, ligaments, and muscles as you walk), run, jump, balance. It can also measure reaction times, assist in fall prevention, and test the efficacy of your orthotics/braces, and much more. Situated within our Movement Signature Room, the OptoGait System can be used on the floor or attached to our treadmill to evaluate people in different environments and moving at different speeds. We can also utilize the system as an exercise tool, as it gives you bio-feedback in the form of real-time video. This allows you to correct your motions, improving both symmetry and efficiency in all types of movement while walking, running, jumping, or shifting side-to-side. UpRight Movement looks forward to helping you feel move perform better. Click Here For: Gait Testing, March In Place, Drift Protocol Human Performance Evaluation Dr. Peter Gorman, President of Microgate USA,...
Build your Grit like the SEALs
“Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.” Angela Duckworth grit ɡrit/ noun 1. courage and resolve; strength of character. What we can learn from, the SEALs and the research on how to have grit: 1. Purpose and meaning. It’s easier to be persistent when what we’re doing is tied to something personally meaningful. 2. Make it a game. It’s the best way to stay in a competitive mindset without stressing yourself out. 3. Be confident — but realistic. See the challenges honestly but believe in your own ability to take them on. 4. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Grit comes a lot easier when you’ve done the work to make sure you’re ready. 5. Focus on improvement. Every SEAL mission ends with a debrief focusing on what went wrong so they can improve. 6. Give help and get help. Support from others helps keep you going, and giving others support does the same. 7. Celebrate small wins. You can’t wait to catch the big fish. Take joy where you can find it when good times are scarce. 8. Find a way to laugh. Rangers, SEALs, and scientists agree: a chuckle can help you cope with stress and keep you going. SEAL Mental Performance Angela Duckworth on Grit We view fitness, like life, as a big picture, long term process… So in order to upgrade how you feel, move and perform it is essential to upgrade your practice. Support your goals beginning with Mindset. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For...
Personal Success Meter: For Your Health, Fitness, and Life
“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” Dale Carnegie Generally, fitness is assessed in four key areas: aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. UpRight Movement takes fitness Further. The UpRight Movement program goals are to optimize human locomotion, health, and fitness (utilizing sound fundamental, transitional, and functional movement patterns balanced with recovery). This helps restore True fitness: the ability to consistently thrive and function within the demands of your environment. “The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.” Jonathan Swift We view fitness, like life, as a big picture, long term process… So we created a checklist to help us all measure our daily progress toward success. We understand how it feels to be busy, and know that sometimes you don’t have more than a minute or two in your day to check in with your wellness and fitness goals. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Click Here For: PERSONAL SUCCESS...
The Pre-Flight Checklist: Monitoring Readiness
“Omne Trium Perfectum” (everything that comes in threes is perfect) Latin phrase Minimize Injuries, Maximize Performance Intelligent solutions seeking out marginal gains: Those one percent differentiators that will take you from good to great. The primary limiters of human physical movement and performance is our biological state and how well we interact with the ground and gravity. Our ability to function and perform is limited by how well we can recover from a multitude of seen and unseen stressors, in addition to managing ground reaction forces that move up the body and cause injury problems. At Upright movement, we have previously addressed these limits with our Regeneration Guidelines, Daily Regeneration Monitor, Standards, Movement Signature, and now our Daily Readiness Index. We feel that UpRight Movement has a responsibility to you and thus we are constantly evolving to be better, so that you’re better, and able to pass that “better” along to others in your life. We think of the Daily Readiness Index as a “Pre-Flight Checklist” that can help you achieve the results you want. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier supporting you with its Regeneration Guidelines. Click Here For: On-Line Daily Readiness...