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Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you for contacting us. You will hear from us soon!

It is an honor and responsibility to serve you- helping you be your best and to feel, move, and perform better. See Regeneration Resources: Tools to Support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better.

Recent Blog Posts

UpRight Movement 101: Essentials

UpRight Movement 101: Essentials

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle   RESULTS THAT LAST: Success is not defined by performing at a high level once. It’s about getting better every day.   UpRight Movement is on a mission to help change lives for the better. This blog post is intended to help put in action principles supporting your high-performance living.   Have a “WHY” that inspires you to be your best as well as to give to others. Practice the principles of: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. Visit and/or visualize a beautiful, peaceful landscape like a beach or forest; engage all your senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feel). Share time with a friend, loved one and/or pet. Be grateful for your relationships. Practice deliberate breathing exercises to help you feel calm during times of stress. Wake and sleep with nature’s rhythms of light and dark. Expose yourself to fresh air and natural sunlight daily. Avoid caffeine after 12 PM. Avoid alcohol and try to minimize consumption of grains, sugars, and artificial sweeteners close to bedtime. Start winding down 2 hours before bedtime and dim the lights in the house, (incl. TV and Computers). Make bedroom dark and cool. Rest when tired, and sleep deeply by 10 PM for 8-10 hours. Hydrate your body with quality water- approximately .5 – 1 oz. per pound of body weight. Minimize your intake of other beverages like sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, teas, coffees, and alcohol. Limit your intake of processed-grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, nicotine and/or narcotics. Nourish your body with quality, fresh, nutritious whole food that is optimal for your genetic needs and health. Eat...
Bone Broth Protein by Ancient Nutrition

Bone Broth Protein by Ancient Nutrition

“Good broth will resurrect the dead.” South American Proverb   UpRight Movement is now affiliated with Bone Broth Protein by Ancient Nutrition. A quality nutritional bone broth protein supplement supporting Recovery and Performance. Bone Broth Protein is all-natural, GMO Free, low-carb, low-sugar, dairy free, soy free, grain free, Paleo-friendly and gut-friendly so anyone and everyone can use it. Bone broth protein is rich in protein, collagen, gelatin, glucosamine, chondroitin and key minerals often missing in the diet. These vital nutrients support a wide range of health benefits and body systems including: Gut And Immune System, Joints And Lean Muscle Mass, Skin, Hair And Nails, Metabolism And A Healthy Weight. BONE BROTH PROTEIN IS SIMPLE AND EASY! SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET YOUR BROTH ON TODAY! Bone Broth Protein is loaded with type 2 collagen and also contains vital minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. It’s high in proline and glutamine– which are amino acids that support the digestive system. *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance with Bone Broth Protein within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Nutrition section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Or Click Here For: Bone Broth...
Rules To Live By

Rules To Live By

“Nutrition can make a good athlete great, or a great athlete good.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   Eat BREAKFAST everyday! COME BACK TO EARTH!!! Try to choose the least processed forms of food. Animal protein, healthy fats, vegetables, minimal nuts, seeds, fruit and whole grains. EAT SMALLER PORTIONS MORE OFTEN spread evenly across the day. INCLUDE A HEALTHY PROTEIN SOURCE with each snack and meal. EAT FATS THAT GIVE SOMETHING BACK: Include healthy fats in your diet like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, fish, pastured raised beef, pastured eggs, flaxseed, nuts, and seeds. DON’T WASTE YOUR WORKOUT: Drink a pre-workout shooter and/or a post-workout recovery shake or meal immediately after intensive training. ADD a multivitamin with anti-oxidant complex and an omega – 3 fish oil supplement into your daily routine. STAY HYDRATED: (.5 – 1 x body weight = ounces of water per day) by drinking only non-caloric beverages (water/green tea) EAT A RAINBOW OFTEN: Eat vegetables with each meal, and the best quality animal protein. SLEEP: Get some rest! The body recovers and repairs best when it is sleeping. *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier supporting the positive practice of  Your “Rules To Live By”, with its newest Rules To Live By handout. Improve your Mindset and make progress toward your goals by leveraging UpRight...
Force Multiplier: Life Performance Outline

Force Multiplier: Life Performance Outline

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” Colin Powell   Force Multiplier: A force multiplier refers to a factor that dramatically increases, hence “multiplies”, the effectiveness of a system. Independence and sustainability is UpRight Movement’s chief underlying goal for all the people it serves. We help you feel, move, and perform better in life. To support this ideal we have organized an outline of our systems based approach and best practices. The table below outlines the UpRight Movement Principles in order of hierarchy, with each principle followed by its qualifiers and associated links. PRINCIPLE PROCESS  MINDSET Thoughts Actions Habits See: UpRight Movement Principles | Declaration of Health and Fitness | A Reason For BEing | The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything: Code Of Conduct | The One You Feed  RECOVERY Sleep Quality Schedule Duration See: How Tired Are You? Sleep Your Most Important Recovery Tool | Recovery and Training are Interdependent | The Pre-Flight Checklist: Monitoring Fatigue NUTRITION HYDRATION Quality Timing Nutrient Ratios See: Food for Your Life | Rules To Live By | Performance is Limited by Recovery | Your Nutritional Fingerprint: Metabolic Typing | Hydration 101  MOVEMENT Protect Restore Develop See: Primitive Postures of Restoration | To Stand is to Be Human | Return From Injury | Master the Essentials: 4 Sources of Athletes’ Reduced Risk For Injury | Are You Up To Standard? | Training + Rehab = Training | The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement UpRight Movement helps to support the positive practice of  Your “Force Multiplier”, with its newest Life Performance Outline handout. Improve your Mindset and make progress...
Declaration of Health and Fitness

Declaration of Health and Fitness

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson   Have a “WHY” that inspires you to be your best as well as to give to others. Practice the principles of: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. Visit and/or visualize a beautiful, peaceful landscape like a beach or forest; engage all your senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feel). Share time with a friend, loved one and/or pet. Be grateful for your relationships. Practice deliberate breathing exercises to help you feel calm during times of stress. Wake and sleep with nature’s rhythms of light and dark. Expose yourself to fresh air and natural sunlight daily. Avoid caffeine after 12 PM. Avoid alcohol and try to minimize consumption of grains, sugars, and artificial sweeteners close to bedtime. Start winding down 2 hours before bedtime and dim the lights in the house, (incl. TV and Computers). Make bedroom dark and cool. Rest when tired, and sleep deeply by 10 PM for 8-10 hours. Hydrate your body with quality water- approximately .5 – 1 oz. per pound of body weight. Minimize your intake of other beverages like sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, teas, coffees, and alcohol. Limit your intake of processed-grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, nicotine and/or narcotics. Nourish your body with quality, fresh, nutritious whole food that is optimal for your genetic needs and health. Eat breakfast soon after awakening. Chew your food thoroughly, enjoy and be grateful for your food, which supports your life. Eat regularly, avoid eating when overly hungry, and eat slowly...
Your Nutritional Fingerprint: Metabolic Typing

Your Nutritional Fingerprint: Metabolic Typing

One man’s meat is another man’s poison.   What is Metabolic® Typing? Metabolic® Typing is a system for identifying your optimal starting point for fine-tuning your macronutrient (animal to plant food) ratios. Today, this is not so easily done because in the past 1,000 years there has been an increase in racial mixing as we’ve become progressively more mobile. Only a few hundred years ago, it was normal for an Aboriginal to live his entire life without meeting an Eskimo or any other significantly different race (and therefore, genes). Today, the Eskimo thriving on about 90% animal foods: 10% plant foods could mate with the inland Aboriginal eating the opposite ratio of about 90% plant foods: 10% animal foods. Their offspring could have a phenotype akin to the mother’s, the father’s, or require a range of nutrients far broader than either parent alone! This can create some interesting dietary challenges because of the variances in phenotypes among races with such radically different environmental demands on their genes. To illustrate one example of humans developing within a certain environment/food shed. The below inserted pictures reveal the Bioregion of the Lakota People, and their traditional foods from the land where they also developed. Instead of eating a diet based on modern “foods of commerce”, we can look more closely at the traditional foods eaten by our ancestors in the bio-region where they lived. Their genes, and thus ours, evolved a synergistic relationship with animals and plants that are prepared and eaten within the food culture of their native land. Eating whole foods similar to those your genetic fore-bearers ate can help to provide...
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.“   John F. Kennedy   UpRight Movement is Veteran founded, and is partnered with Heroes’ Movement a non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships for strength training and conditioning to ANY veteran of the United States Armed Forces. Currently UpRight Movement is capable of offering team training to meet the fitness goals and physical limitations of each veteran while helping to rebuild mobility, strength, and freedom. Each Veteran is given an Intake / Functional Movement Screen in the beginning to ensure safety and success during their participation. Capacity is limited, so please reserve your space today!   Click here to support Heroes’ Movement Click Here For: Heroes’ Movement Flyer TEAM Training Schedule Classes: PREHAB: Pillar 101 MOVEOLOGY: Essential Functional Movement PRELIMINARY: UpRight Movement Workout Camps: Feel Better Camp Move Better Camp  ...
The One You Feed

The One You Feed

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, doubt, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,empathy, generosity, forgiveness, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”   Thoughts can become things. The power of your thoughts can go in either direction. The on-going collection of quotes below is intended to inspire you along your life’s journey. A healthy mindset of aligned thoughts, actions, and habits is one of the best tools to manage stress. Thoughts can greatly influence your reality, and they are probably your number one asset when properly utilized. Many diet and exercise programs assume that formulating good eating habits and getting in better shape are all you need, but that only works in the short term. For true health and performance to be realized it’s essential to practice a mindset that is authentic to your values and considers the process just as important as the outcome goals. For long-term success, it’s important to create a practice that will help guide you through the process and keep you motivated toward a big-picture lifestyle change. To optimize health and performance for every individual, it is essential four key areas are exercised in a balanced manner: The Principles...
The Pre-Flight Checklist: Monitoring Fatigue

The Pre-Flight Checklist: Monitoring Fatigue

“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.” Albert Einstein   Stress was originally coined by Hans Selye in 1956, describing the general adaptation syndrome where the initial response, the alarm stage, is negative, with the physiological state of the organism decreasing following the imposition of stress shown in the image below. A more comprehensive model of the physiological responses to training stimuli is the fitness-fatigue theory. Proposed in 1982 by Banister, the fitness-fatigue model argues that different training stresses result in different physiological responses, particularly using an individual’s baseline of training to better quantify fitness (a positive adaptation) versus fatigue (a negative adaptation). How it works: The framework takes your fitness level and subtracts your fatigue to estimate performance. The fluctuations in your daily performance show your fatigue. See this study published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal for more on the fitness-fatigue model. When quantifying fatigue, it’s importance to look at two different types of data. The first is what you did to recover. UpRight Movement wants to know your mindset, how you are breathing, how you slept, what you ate, how you managed stress, and if you used secondary recovery tools (e.g., cold plunge, massage, etc.). Next we want to measure your readiness by looking at: Outcome-Based Measurements (e.g., CNS (Central Nervous System) Finger Tap Test) Physiological-Based Measurements (e.g., HRV (Heart Rate Variability), Lab Analysis etc.) Subjective-Based Measurements (e.g., Fatigue, Daily Readiness Monitor, Daily Regeneration Monitor, Daily Readiness Index) UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier supporting your results safely and efficiently through its precision approach, which respects the several essential...
The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything: Code Of Conduct

The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything: Code Of Conduct

“Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.” Jonas Salk   A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes. By practicing the qualities of a values based purpose driven mindset you empower your life: Capability + Behavior = Performance UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier supporting the positive practice of  Your “CODE OF CONDUCT”, with its newest Code Of Conduct handout. Improve your Mindset and make progress toward your goals by leveraging UpRight Movement Principles. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines.   Click Here For: CODE OF...