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Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you for contacting us. You will hear from us soon!

It is an honor and responsibility to serve you- helping you be your best and to feel, move, and perform better. See Regeneration Resources: Tools to Support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better.

Recent Blog Posts

Fall Prevention: From the Ground Up!

Fall Prevention: From the Ground Up!

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   THIS WORKSHOP IS RATED: FEEL BETTER Click Here For Methodology Click Here for The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement Sometimes we all fall down- it’s just that simple. We all learn this when we’re young.  No matter what your age or activity level- from babies to seniors- we all move through life knowing we will sometimes fall down. As babies falling is part of learning to walk- as kids, skinned knees are just part of growing up. As we age however, falling becomes both more common and more of a risk.  Whether your focus is fall prevention, injury reduction, or even learning to stay stable while upright or fall safely in a martial-arts setting- the principles are the same, and UpRight Movement is here to help you with our new Fall Prevention workshop. UpRight Movement takes a reverse engineering approach to falls. We help you to establish controlled spinal stability and hip/shoulder mobility, which provides a healthy foundational base. This “Back to Basics” approach allows us to safely advance to more complex movements and eventually walking. Remember the way that movement evolves in infants. They move on their backs until one day this action allows them to roll over, initializing the hip crossover movement. Soon they progress to crawling, standing and, finally, walking. With each step, they realize how to stabilize their bodies. Aging reverses that process. Many people lose the ability to squat and maintain their...
EXOS Performance Nutrition Powered by Thorne Research

EXOS Performance Nutrition Powered by Thorne Research

“Nutrition can make a good athlete great, or a great athlete good.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   UpRight Movement is now affiliated with world-class Team EXOS and Thorne Research. Together Team EXOS and Thorne Research have created EXOS Fuel. A Healthcare Professional Quality Nutritional Supplement Line, supporting Recovery and Performance. The EXOS Fuel Story: Team EXOS and Thorne Research partnered with leading experts, used only the highest-quality ingredients, and perfected your formula for success. EXOS Performance Nutrition, is here to help release the potential in you. It’s the best fuel for your best, and it’s always getting better. *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance with EXOS Fuel within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Nutrition section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Or Click Here For: EXOS...
Hit Farther, Play Better, Golf More with UpRight Movement

Hit Farther, Play Better, Golf More with UpRight Movement

GOLF FITNESS: Hit Farther, Play Better, and Golf More   The featured image illustrates the proper force sequence in delivering the downswing in golf. If your mechanics and management of ground reaction forces within your downswing is off, at some point you may experience back pain, or even an injury of your back, elbow(s), wrist(s), shoulder(s), and/or knee(s). Golf Fitness: There is another way. Yes. Believe it or not, golfers need to take care of their bodies too. You may not be running miles, or taking hits on the field, but you need to be STRONG & FUNCTIONAL to play this game for the long haul. Back pain? Elbow Pain? Wrist Pain? Shoulders Pain? Knee Pain? Many of these symptoms may sound far too familiar and many of you may have them. Whether you’re a weekend golfer or at the Professional level, everyone deserves to play their best golf and move without pain. Improve your driving distance, reduce your score while reducing your potential for injury by making gains in every area, including stability, flexibility, power, strength, conditioning, and regeneration. UpRight Movement Can Help You to Feel and Play Your Best! Contact us so we can help you to lower your handicap....
You have to Crawl before you Walk, and Run. Are you Developing Fitness or Liability?

You have to Crawl before you Walk, and Run. Are you Developing Fitness or Liability?

“First move well, then move often.” Gray Cook, Functional Movement Systems The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is one of the filters that UpRight Movement uses during its Intake. The information from the FMS provides us with an accurate picture of your movement and injury vulnerability. Based on the information gathered during the Intake Session we can identify areas of opportunity for improvement and help to establish training routines that support you in feeling, moving, and performing better. FMS is the product of an exercise philosophy known as Functional Movement Systems. This exercise philosophy and corresponding set of resources is based on sound science, years of innovation, and current research. How it Works – Simplifying Movement Put simply, the FMS is a ranking and grading system that documents movement patterns that are key to normal function. By screening these patterns, the FMS readily identifies functional limitations and asymmetries. These are issues that can reduce the effects of functional training and physical conditioning and distort body awareness. The FMS generates the Functional Movement Screen Score, which is used to target problems and track progress. This scoring system is directly linked to the most beneficial corrective exercises to restore mechanically sound movement patterns. Exercise professionals monitor the FMS score to track progress and to identify those exercises that will be most effective to restore proper movement and build strength in each individual. What it Does – Widespread Benefits The FMS simplifies the concept of movement and its impact on the body. Its streamlined system has benefits for everyone involved – individuals, exercise professionals, and physicians. Communication – The FMS utilizes simple language, making...
Don’t miss The Diabetes World Summit!

Don’t miss The Diabetes World Summit!

The mission of The Diabetes World Summit is to change lives. This incredible, online event has the potential to improve the health of tens of thousands with diabetes or pre-diabetes! Better yet, it’s completely free from March 23-30, so there’s no reason to miss it! WHY ATTEND? Dr. Brian Mowll, The Diabetes Coach™, created The Diabetes World Summit to share the expertise of the world’s leaders in natural diabetes care to help you regain blood sugar control, live the highest quality life and even reverse type 2 and pre-diabetes. The 40 powerful, expert sessions at The Diabetes World Summit will benefit anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, as well as those who want to avoid blood sugar problems and achieve optimal health. Register for FREE now at the following link: REGISTER HERE: The Diabetes World Summit will teach you about: Causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes Preventing and stopping the progression of diabetes 10 most important things to help reverse type 2 diabetes Optimal diet to prevent, control and reverse type 2 diabetes Most effective forms of exercise for optimal blood sugar control Special information for Type 1 Diabetes management and care Here are a few of the experts who will speak at The Diabetes World Summit: Richard Bernstein, MD, world-famous diabetologist and author David Perlmutter, MD; author of Grain Brain Joel Fuhrman, MD, author of The End of Diabetes Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint Sara Gottfried, MD, author of The Hormone Cure Franziska Sprizler, RD, CDE, The Low Carb Dietitian Craig Ballantyne, creator of Turbulence Training for Fat Loss...
The Worst Situations The Best Preparation

The Worst Situations The Best Preparation

“We will either find a way, or make one.” Hannibal UpRight Movement’s founder Corey Jung has served by answering the call of duty, and honors those who continue to do so today. We want members of the military, law enforcement, and fire life safety professions to know that UpRight Movement is dedicated to supporting you in preparation for all possible arenas you may step into. UpRight Movement has experienced and is aware that each day, members of the military, law enforcement, and fire life safety face new and unexpected challenges as conditions, terrains, and situations are always changing, requiring various physical assets and skills to succeed and, sometimes, survive. UpRight Movement takes great pride in training members of these communities and helping prepare and preserve these organization’s most important asset—human capital. UpRight Movement programs maximize the physical assets you need as a tactical athlete to be successful every day for every mission. By building strength, power, speed, endurance, and agility, while increasing flexibility, mobility, stability, and balance we decrease the potential for injury. Integrating training programs with supportive nutrition and recovery strategies support both non-duty and mission operations for peak performance. If you are a team member of the military, law enforcement, or fire life safety communities consider UpRight Movement as a supportive element of your fitness team and overall mission. UpRight Movement is here to serve those who serve.   *UpRight Movement is an advisor to the MARSOC Foundation, U.S. Forest Service and is partnered with Heroes’...
Food for Your Life

Food for Your Life

“Food is far more than fuel; it’s a language that programs every function of your cells.” Catherine Shanahan, MD, Deep Nutrition   Food is a source of vital information created by the earth that comes from the earth. In the field of Nutritional Genomics, researchers believe that food speaks to the genes by providing information to assist with gene expression. The chemistry of every cell in your body is expecting nutritional information and has the biology that can transform that information into the living, breathing, moving tissue that is your body. I recently listened to an interview with  Dr. Cate Shanahan who works as a sports nutritionist with the LA Lakers, about her book “Deep Nutrition.” Dr. Shanahan suggested that asking yourself these 5 questions can help you make more optimal food choices and experience greater vitality. Here’s an example of foods from the 5 questions, and some of what the Lakers have been eating lately. 5 Question Food/Ingredient Test Source: Where does the food come from? Can you actually envision the landscape? Is it one of beauty, like rolling fields or the peaceful tranquil ocean? Or is it one of industrial post-apocalyptic despair, like what I-5 can look like here in California when you’re driving through that feedlot section? Tradition: Is there a tradition behind its use? Has this food been used by traditional societies? A classic example is olive oil. There’s olive oil in Italy and Greece going back thousands and thousands of years*. Wholeness: So when the answer to “Is there a tradition behind its use?” is either “No,” or “I really don’t know,” then the...
“Good broth will resurrect the dead”

“Good broth will resurrect the dead”

“Good broth will resurrect the dead,” says a South American proverb. BONE BROTH WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BONE BROTH? Broth is considered to be both a food and a medicine! It’s known to heal the skin, gut, GI tract, aid in digestion and even help you beat that cold you’ve been suffering from. Because broth is an extract of connective tissue, it is great for ailments affecting, joints, bones, lungs, muscle tissue and blood. Incorporating bone broth into your established eating patterns can yield tremendous medicinal effects. A cup a day keeps the doctor away! “Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons–stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.” Sally Fallon, For those of you who would like the health benefits of broth without having to prepare it, there are alternatives: you can order directly and have it delivered by Pete’s Paleo and The Brothery. You can also make Bone Broth Tea, a type of “quick broth” that requires no cooking, using Great Lakes Gelatin. Here’s a recipe for Bone Broth Tea using Great Lakes Gelatin: 1 – 2 Tablespoons Gelatin powder dissolved in an equal amount of room temperature water, Add 1/2 – 1 teaspoon Coconut oil and a Ginger or Peppermint teabag (fresh ginger or peppermint leaves may also be used) Pour 1 cup boiling water over the top and steep 5 minutes, or until cool enough to consume. Drink a cup of Bone Broth...
UpRight Movement is Veteran founded …

UpRight Movement is Veteran founded …

UpRight Movement is Veteran founded, and supports all Military service personnel by offering a 20% discount on all of our services. All Active, Reserve, Former, and Retired Military service personnel are eligible. Also, Free small group training for Veterans, 2 – 4 people is provided through our Heroes’ Movement partner. Contact UpRight Movement and present valid military I.D. and/or DD Form 214 in order to receive discount code.  ...
To Stand is to Be Human

To Stand is to Be Human

The hallmark of our species is walking upright on two legs- bipedalism. Getting up and down from the ground is an example of a “squat pattern”, which is the precursor to walking. When we start losing function within our bodies, it has an impact on the whole system. To see how you may be doing with your fitness, consider The Sit-Rising Test illustrated below. The research behind this test indicates that health is interdependent with functional fitness. The Sit-Rising Test was developed by Brazilian physician Claudio Gil Araujo and his colleagues of Brazil’s Gamo Filho University. When patients optimized their functional fitness with appropriate exercise and then retested, their scores improved, as did their overall health. Every additional point increase a patient had on the Sit-Rising Test correlated with a 21 percent DECREASE in mortality from all causes. The message Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo is trying to get across to people is the importance of getting and staying in shape. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you’ve got to build muscle, work on maintaining balance and MOVE. The Sit-Rising Test also provides valuable information on areas where you have room for improvement, such as mobility, stability, functional symmetry or total body strength. If you would like some guidance with improving your overall body function, UpRight Movement is a Force Multiplier and  has the knowledge, the tools, and the dedication to support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better for Life....