One Arrow, One Life: Intention and Goals

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” Unknown   An aspect of mindfulness is to set your intention. When you’re a fast-acting multitasker, your mind can […]

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Nutrition: Fuel For It

“Food is far more than fuel; it’s a language that programs every function of your cells.” Catherine Shanahan, MD, Deep Nutrition   Due to UpRight Movement’s dedication to providing you with “best in practice” services we are now referring clients to Origins Nutrition (Nutrition Services) if we feel they could benefit from nutrition counseling in […]

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Practicing Awareness: Body Scan

“Without loving-kindness, staying in pain is just warfare.” Pema Chödrön   Being mindful is to have a conscious awareness of the present moment; to allow the full experience of humanness to occur- allowing thoughts, feelings, sensations, whatever shows up to simply exist. The conscious mind is our objective or thinking mind, however the subconscious mind […]

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When Hungry, Eat. When Thirsty, Drink. When Tired, Sleep.

“Look to the season when choosing your cure.“ Hippocrates   All of the natural world lives and thrives with cyclical rhythms. As the sun shines upon one horizon, the moon beams upon another; one offers a time for more movement and the other for more rest. The seasonal rhythms of Spring and Summer have more […]

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Are Your Supplements Safe?

“Food first, supplements are supplemental.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   Are your supplements safe? If you read the recent article in Consumer Reports, you might think they aren’t safe at all. There are a lot of misconceptions about what the supplement industry is doing and how it is regulated by the FDA. […]

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