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Thank you for contacting us! | UpRight Movement F

Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you for contacting us. You will hear from us soon!

It is an honor and responsibility to serve you- helping you be your best and to feel, move, and perform better. See Regeneration Resources: Tools to Support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better.

Recent Blog Posts

You are Your Own Chief Investment and Asset

You are Your Own Chief Investment and Asset

Save More Ways Than One   “Health is the first wealth.” Ralph Waldo Emerson   By making and planning YOU as a priority, UpRight Movement can help you to save money on training! Bringing the training from $90/session to as low as $49/session. If you would like to commit to train with UpRight Movement an average of three times a week for 3 to 6 Months, please contact for details. Training is limited to 4 participants, so please reserve your space today! Let UpRight Movement help add more Value to Your Life!     Offers limited to one with all other sales, and excludes...
Obstacle Course: Movement Enrichment

Obstacle Course: Movement Enrichment

“Make the impossible, possible; the possible, easy; and the easy, elegant.” Moshe Feldenkrais   UpRight Movement utilizes the diversity of our obstacle course to help develop essential movement skills as a foundation of fitness and injury risk reduction. The nature of the obstacle course is self-limiting and self-correcting, promoting functional movements in order to traverse it efficiently. At UpRight Movement we view the following movement skills as the foundation of Human Movement and Performance: Fundamental: Breathing, Gripping, Head-Eye Tracking, Reaching, Leg Raising, Supine, Rolling, Prone, Hip Flexion/Extension, Short Foot Posture. Transitional: Quadruped, Rotary Stability, Trunk Stability, Crawling, Half Kneeling, Full Kneeling. Functional: Lunging, Stepping, Squatting, Carrying, Gait, Skipping, Running, Deceleration, Acceleration, Jumping, and Hopping. By training movement that moves through changing environments, you become adept at quickly and intuitively assessing and solving new obstacles. It’s all about learning complex and adaptable movement for the highest levels of performance and success. LEARN TO: Use breathing control, positions, sequence, timing, and relaxation for optimum performance Be highly efficient at running, crawling, balancing, jumping, climbing techniques, all essential skills Condition and physically prepare yourself through techniques and movements closely resembling the movement patterns and physiological adaptations required for successful functional movement for life and sport. Practice efficient transitions between diverse movement patterns and physical efforts. Reduce the chance of injury UpRight Movement can help you overcome obstacles, so you can play at your best! Contact us so we can help you return to play!...
PREHAB: Pillar 101

PREHAB: Pillar 101

“Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.” Aesop   PREHAB: Pillar 101   PLEASE CONTACT FOR SCHEDULE   Requires 2 – 4 people per group for class to be conducted   THIS CLASS IS RATED: FEEL BETTER Click Here For Methodology Click Here for The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement   Prehab Prehab is a proactive approach to avoiding pain and injury. You’ll build strength and stability around your most vulnerable areas, while improving mobility, balance and joint function to decrease the potential for injuries. Prehab exercises strengthen your most vulnerable areas that get stressed in everyday movement: your hips, core and shoulders. Also known as your “pillar,” strengthening these areas will improve posture and alignment, allowing your joints to move more efficiently. You’ll also build up your most injury-prone areas before you’re struck with chronic aches and pain that may, in the worst cases, require surgery. The Deep Core: Temporalis Masseter Scalenes Hyoid Muscles Longus Colli and Capitis Diaphragm Transverse Abdominis Pelvic Floor Multifidus Psoas Quadratus Lumborum Iliacus Adductors Posterior Tibialis Toe Flexors Pillar 101 Pillar strength is the foundation for all movement. It consists of your hip, core, and shoulder stability. Those three areas provide a center axis from which to move. Think of your body as a wheel. Your pillar is the hub and your limbs are the spokes. It’s impossible to move your limbs efficiently and forcefully if they’re not attached to something solid and stable. That’s your pillar—all the muscles that connect your hips, torso, and shoulders. When these areas are properly aligned, you can transfer energy throughout your body more effectively,...


“Movement isn’t about working hard. It’s about precision and clean movement mechanics.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   UpRight Movement is part of a world-wide community focusing on sound movement development and performance. Our purpose at UpRight Movement is to help you improve your performance in life, work, and sport – to feel, move and perform better. We are not all professional athletes, but we all deserve to be supported as if we were because life has no off-season. The season is lifelong. UpRight Movement will provide you with an efficient means to achieve your desired results. Through our research and development we can create a program designed to assist you in achieving your goals, regardless of your background. Our sound principle-based systems are centered on the consistent practice of proper Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement.   Behavior + Environment + Genes = Fitness “Fitness is the ability to consistently thrive and interact within your environment and any of its demands, toward optimal gene-expression.” Corey Jung, Founder and Performance Specialist of UpRight Movement   UpRight Movement is a developmental-based movement approach informed by functional anatomy, human biology and Newtonian physics. We believe these are the non-biased constructs and confines within which the human body operates. UpRight Movement is influenced by the injury rehabilitation and sports performance fields, bringing a seamlessly integrated approach that bridges the gap between rehabilitation and performance. The UpRight Movement program goals are to optimize human locomotion, resilience, and longevity (utilizing sound fundamental, transitional, and functional movement patterns balanced with recovery). All to help restore (fitness), as the ability to consistently thrive and function...
How Tired Are You? Sleep Your Most Important Recovery Tool

How Tired Are You? Sleep Your Most Important Recovery Tool

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” Thomas Dekker   SLEEP DEBT ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The following questionnaire has been taken from The Promise of Sleep by Dement and Vaughan. How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? Score yourself using this scale: 0 = would never doze 1 = slight chance of dozing 2 = moderate chance of dozing 3 = high chance of dozing Sitting and reading Watching TV Sitting, inactive in a public place, e.g., a theater or meeting As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit Sitting and talking to someone Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol In a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffic Evaluate your total score as follows: 0-5 Slight or no sleep debt 6-10 Moderate sleep debt 11-20 Heavy sleep debt 21-25 Extreme sleep debt Hacking Sleep: Engineering a High Quality, Restful Night Getting enough sleep beats any supplement. If you can get 30-60 min more each night, you’ll recover better, manage blood sugar better, lose fat / gain muscle more easily, and make smarter decisions. Of course, “get more sleep” is an outcome. We can’t control that. We only control behaviors. Thus, “sleep X hours” isn’t the goal. The goal is to do the stuff that, when done consistently, lead you towards more/better sleep. For example, you can: Build a pre-bed sleep ritual Establish a consistent sleep schedule Sleep environment: Dark – Quiet – Cool Organize workout schedule to promote evening relaxation...


“When you rely on artificial manures (petroleum based fertilizers) to make artificial soil, then you grow artificial plants which make artificial animals which make artificial people who can only be kept alive with artificials.” (pharmaceutical drugs). Sir Albert Howard, English Botanist 1940   UpRight Movement helps to support you with its newest Real Food handout. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines.   Click Here For: EAT REAL...
Move Better Camp

Move Better Camp

Do You want to Move Better? Move Better Camp Requires 2 – 4 people per group for camp to be conducted THIS CAMP IS RATED: MOVE BETTER Click Here For Methodology Click Here for The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement Identify your individual physical limitations with Pre-Camp and Post-Camp testing to gauge your fitness level. This series of 7 exercises will test your body’s ability to withstand the demands of your active lifestyle. Create a better understanding of movement and your physical abilities. Achieve success beyond your own expectations. In 4 weeks you will Move Better than you ever have. CAMP INCLUDES Personalized modifications based on ability level. Digital files of recommended at-home exercise routines. Nutrition and Regeneration plans Access to UpRight Movement’s On-Line Daily Readiness Monitor. Access to UpRight Movement’s On-Line Daily Regeneration Monitor. Optional remote HRV4Training (Heart Rate Variability)  Monitoring Email check-in 15 % OFF All of UpRight Movement’s Training Services during your time in Move Better Camp. Guaranteed results commensurate to your level of commitment. The knowledge, experience, and confidence that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to! CAMP RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS For your safety and successful participation in the Move Better Camp, it is highly recommended that you be able to successfully perform the following exercises with no discomfort or pain, good quality, and form. If you are not currently capable, please contact us to discuss your options. TEST #1: STATIC LUNGE HOLD (Lunge Pattern) The Lunge pattern essentially is a freeze frame picture within upright locomotion, (walking, jogging, running and sprinting). Essentially this is one qualifier to running.  Minimum: 1 Min Each...
LIFTOLOGY: Essential Functional Exercises

LIFTOLOGY: Essential Functional Exercises

Learn-By-Doing: Essential Functional Exercises   “Do the simple things savagely well.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   THIS WORKSHOP IS RATED: PERFORM BETTER Click Here For Methodology Click Here for The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement Do you want to start exercising but are unsure about what to do, and how to exactly? UpRight Movement is offering a Learn-By-Doing workshop to teach you the Why, How, and What of essential functional exercises that offer the most well rounded benefits emphasizing Strength, Endurance, Power, and Speed for your time and efforts. Movement/Exercises to be covered: Breathing Rolling Crawling Chops/Lifts Push-Ups Horizontal/Vertical Pulls Turkish Get Up Deadlift Carries Sign up for our learn-by-doing two-part workshop today to find out more! The focus will be on introducing the UpRight Movement Approach and the Why, How, and What of essential functional exercises. Participants who choose to sign up for UpRight Movement training services afterwards will receive a 10% savings. Requires 4 – 10 participants for workshop to be conducted. Click Here For: Workshop Waiver $89 Two-Part Workshop Fee Sign Up     Offers limited to one with all other sales, and excludes...
Feel Better Camp

Feel Better Camp

Do You want to Feel Better? Feel Better Camp Requires 2 – 4 people per group for camp to be conducted THIS CAMP IS RATED: FEEL BETTER Click Here For Methodology Click Here for The Why, How, and What of UpRight Movement Feel Better Camp is designed to help improve physical fitness and performance in a group setting. During these hour-long classes an increased emphasis is placed on restoring joint function, establishing proper movement patterns and safely introducing dynamic movement to your body.  Create a better understanding of safe and healthy movement and your physical abilities.  Achieve success beyond your own expectations.  In 4 weeks you will Feel Better than you ever have. Wondering if Feel Better Camp is for you? Individuals New to Training (Phase 1) Designed to safely introduce movement into the entire body and progressively increase your level of fitness. Individuals with Chronic/Long Standing Conditions Designed for individuals who have completed treatment for an injury or medical condition and are ready to get more active by safely transitioning into training. Athletes/Active Individuals Needing to Restore Alignment and Function After an Event Designed to help with recovery, minor strains, reaction from contact within a sport and to restore alignment. Individuals Wanting to Improving Bone & Joint Health Designed for individuals with bone density or load-bearing issues who have difficulty training. CAMP INCLUDES  Personalized modifications based on ability level.  Digital files of recommended at-home exercise routines.  Nutrition and Regeneration plans  Access to UpRight Movement’s On-Line Daily Readiness Monitor.  Access to UpRght Movement’s On-Line Daily Regeneration Monitor.  Optional remote HRV4Training (Heart Rate Variability) Monitoring  Email check-in  15 % OFF All...
Connect and support with your local organic farmer and rancher

Connect and support with your local organic farmer and rancher

“You, as a food buyer, have the distinct privilege of proactively participating in shaping the world your children will inherit.” Joel Salatin (Farmer) Polyface Farms, Food Choice Advocate, Dream-Doer   Farmer’s Pal is a FREE online resource for organic, sustainable, and family farm businesses helping them become more known online. A comprehensive online directory that categorizes an abundance of organic living websites and information, helping visitors find what they are looking for efficiently. Get Healthy, support your local organic farmer and rancher today! Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance with Farmer’s Pal within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Nutrition section Page. Or Click Here For: Farmer’s...