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Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you for contacting us. You will hear from us soon!

It is an honor and responsibility to serve you- helping you be your best and to feel, move, and perform better. See Regeneration Resources: Tools to Support you in Feeling, Moving, and Performing Better.

Recent Blog Posts

Movement Signature Testing: Performance + Restorative Training

Movement Signature Testing: Performance + Restorative Training

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Sir Isaac Newton   Minimize Injuries, Maximize Performance Intelligent software seeking out marginal gains: Those one percent differentiators that will take you from good to great.   The primary limiters of human physical movement and performance is our biological state and how well we interact with the ground and gravity. Our ability to function and perform is limited by how well we can recover from a multitude of seen and unseen stressors, in addition to managing ground reaction forces that move up the body and cause injury problems. At Upright movement, we have previously addressed these limits with our Regeneration Guidelines, Daily Regeneration Monitor, Daily Readiness Manager, Daily Readiness Index and Standards. We feel that UpRight Movement has a responsibility to you and thus we are constantly evolving to be better, so that you’re better, and able to pass that “better” along to others in your life. We’re excited to announce the addition of the MICROGATE System to the arsenal of tools we use to help you mitigate these limits, improving your resilience and helping you to feel, move, and perform better in life. Using an infared LED field, and accelerometer, gyroscopic, and magenetometer sensors, we are able to gather objective, science-based data on your movement patterns, force generation, and kinesiologic performance. All theses variables create a unique Movement Signature. Our performance specialists can use this data on your own personal signature to provide clear, objective, measurable-data-based insight into individuals’ performance potential, allowing a more direct path toward developing their resilience, and in the event of misfortune, providing objective benchmarks during...
Master the Essentials: 4 Sources of Athletes’ Reduced Risk For Injury

Master the Essentials: 4 Sources of Athletes’ Reduced Risk For Injury

“From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth.” Jacques-Yves Cousteau   Injury/Pain is not the enemy it is a signal from your body that requires responsibility.   To reduce your risk of injuries a proactive approach is fundamental, involving a practice that places an emphasis on the four UpRight Movement Principles of: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. Here’s how to protect your investment in yourself by maximizing four of the leading sources of success.   1. Restorative Sleep: Wake and sleep with nature’s rhythms of light and dark. Expose yourself to fresh air and natural sunlight daily. Avoid caffeine after 12 PM. Avoid alcohol and try to minimize consumption of grains, sugars, and artificial sweeteners close to bedtime. Start winding down 2 hours before bedtime and dim the lights in the house, (incl. TV and Computers). Make bedroom dark and cool. Rest when tired, and sleep deeply by 10 PM for 8-10 hours. 2. Restorative Nutrition: Hydrate your body with quality water- approximately .5 – 1 oz. per pound of body weight. Minimize your intake of other beverages like sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, teas, coffees, and alcohol. Limit your intake of processed-grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, nicotine and/or narcotics. Nourish your body with quality, fresh, nutritious whole food that is optimal for your genetic needs and health. Eat breakfast soon after awakening. Chew your food thoroughly, enjoy and be grateful for your food, which supports your life. Eat regularly, avoid eating when overly hungry, and eat slowly until satisfied. 3. Durability: Develop Quality Symmetrical Mobility, Balanced Posture, Motor Control, Postural Control, Efficient Movement Pattern Skills, Optimal Strength...
Nutrition: Fuel For It

Nutrition: Fuel For It

“Food is far more than fuel; it’s a language that programs every function of your cells.” Catherine Shanahan, MD, Deep Nutrition   Due to UpRight Movement’s dedication to providing you with “best in practice” services we are now referring clients to Origins Nutrition (Nutrition Services) if we feel they could benefit from nutrition counseling in their wellness program. To help fulfill our shared vision and sense of responsibility to upgrade lives, we offer 10 – 20% savings on our services when...
Flexibility + Strength = Mobility

Flexibility + Strength = Mobility

If you tighten the string too much it will snap and if you leave it too slack, it won’t play.   With great flexibility comes great responsibility, (i.e. Flexibility + Strength = Mobility.) Or You wouldn’t drive your car without brakes. MOBILITY — Increasing Joints Ability to Move Joint Structure – Bone – Ligament – Capsule Physiological – Muscle – Tendon Neurological – Fascia – Tone — Multi-Variant — Multi-Planar — Functionally Driven = What it Produces, Not What it Looks like. STABILITY (Reflexive Strength) Control in the presence of change Functional Stability — Motor Control — Timing of Tonic and Phasic Muscles Contracting Smaller “Local” muscles (stabilizers) and bigger “Global” muscles (the big movers) Stabilizing and Mobilizing Passive Stability — Joint Capsules, Ligaments — Joint “Centration” (the stabilization and stacking of the joints along a central axis) Dependent on Motor Control The body is an interdependent kinetic system, and relies on a balance of flexibility and stability. As with many other aspects of movement (Bio-Motor Skills) too little or too much can cause an imbalance. Congenital laxity can be a major problem from a medical perspective. Movement – based and athletic implications aside, hypermobility may not always be benign. The Beighton Scale, Hypermobility Screen is as below with an interval scoring system. 1. Extend the little finger over the back of the hand — if 90 degrees or greater Score: 1 Point Left 1 Point Right 2. Flex the thumb toward the forearm — if the thumb touches the forearm Score: 1 Point Left 1 Point Right 3. Extend the arm — if 10 degrees or more of...
Practicing Awareness: Body Scan

Practicing Awareness: Body Scan

“Without loving-kindness, staying in pain is just warfare.” Pema Chödrön   Being mindful is to have a conscious awareness of the present moment; to allow the full experience of humanness to occur- allowing thoughts, feelings, sensations, whatever shows up to simply exist. The conscious mind is our objective or thinking mind, however the subconscious mind stores and retrieves everything that has ever happened to us and controls 90% of our lives. The practice of being present provides access to the subconscious mind and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which contains an enormous amount of knowledge, memories, wisdom and recovery processes that we are likely underutilizing. One of the primary ways to access the subconscious mind is meditation. It can simply be a period of awareness where you stop everything you’re doing and simply pause to notice what shows up in stillness and silence. The Body Scan is one practice that can help you to begin to manage your subconscious mind. Find a quiet, comfortable place to lie down or sit. Put aside anywhere from 5-45 minutes for the scan. The time you allot will affect how slowly or quickly you move from one area of your body to another. UpRight Movement helps to support the positive management of  Your “BODY SCAN”, with its newest Body Scan handout. Improve your Mindset and make progress toward your goals by leveraging UpRight Movement Principles. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines.   Click...
When Hungry, Eat. When Thirsty, Drink. When Tired, Sleep.

When Hungry, Eat. When Thirsty, Drink. When Tired, Sleep.

“Look to the season when choosing your cure.“ Hippocrates   All of the natural world lives and thrives with cyclical rhythms. As the sun shines upon one horizon, the moon beams upon another; one offers a time for more movement and the other for more rest. The seasonal rhythms of Spring and Summer have more temperate weather and longer days that support new life and increased activity, while the shorter days of Fall and cold Winter temperatures offer opportunities for restoration and regeneration. Often the period between October and April marks the cold and flu season across the Northern hemisphere. Perhaps a few reasons that can leave us more vulnerable to illness are: Decreased outdoor exposure of light and air Increased indoor exposure to people who have the cold/flu Increased Holiday Stress Increased Sugar and Alcohol consumption With these added holiday-season stressors, it may be even more important during this time of the year to balance your life and support your health and fitness. Consider the upcoming change of seasons as an opportunity to pay attention to how your body feels and practice balance. This might include more cheer, rest, sound nourishing food, appropriate restorative movement; and perhaps less guilt, food deprivation, and excessive workouts. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. You can power your recovery, health and performance with UpRight Movement’s support and its Regeneration...
Are Your Supplements Safe?

Are Your Supplements Safe?

“Food first, supplements are supplemental.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   Are your supplements safe? If you read the recent article in Consumer Reports, you might think they aren’t safe at all. There are a lot of misconceptions about what the supplement industry is doing and how it is regulated by the FDA. *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As one of the most respected supplement companies in the world, Thorne Research strives to educate consumers on the facts about the supplement industry. Learn more by watching the video links below. Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance with THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Nutrition section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Or Click Here For: THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance    ...
Managing Inflammation

Managing Inflammation

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates   Did you know that you  can manage inflammation through nutrition? While some inflammation is necessary to fight off infection and repair broken-down muscle after a workout, chronic inflammation can cause serious health issues. Eating quality meals high in vegetables, fruits, antioxidant-rich grains, fish and healthy proteins, and nuts and seeds has been shown to help prevent long-term health issues by helping to limit inflammation.  Learning simple strategies to control inflammation in the body can be a game changer for your health, performance, and recovery. Here are five dietary contributors to inflammation to be aware of. Fill your diet with anti-inflammatory options like grass-fed meat, fish, eggs, and fruits and vegetables.   Omega-3 fatty acids are also a great source of healthy fat that have been shown to help maintain the body’s normal inflammatory response during strenuous exercise.* THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance | Omega-3 *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. UpRight Movement helps to support the positive management of  Your “INFLAMMATION”, with its newest Inflammation handout. Improve your Mindset and make progress toward your goals by leveraging UpRight Movement Principles. Aid your Recovery, Health and manage Stress so you can feel better, move better, and perform better! The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see...
THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance

THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance

“Nutrition can make a good athlete great, or a great athlete good.” Mark Verstegen, Founder and President of EXOS   The line of EXOS Performance Nutrition branded products has been discontinued and rebranded under one of the most respected supplement companies in the world, the Thorne Research line of products. These are the same great products as before — just with a different label.   *SIX REASONS YOU MAY NEED TO FILL THE GAPS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SPECIFIC STRENGTH & POWER GOALS INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DIGESTIVE ISSUES INCREASED STRESS KNOWN NUTRITION DEFICIENCY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance with THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Nutrition section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Or Click Here For: THORNE RESEARCH: Sports Performance    ...
Library: Recommended Reading

Library: Recommended Reading

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” Bruce Lee   UpRight Movement has compiled our top recommended educational resources, to help empower you on your journey  upgrading your life with health, fitness, and performance. Power Your Recovery, Health and Performance within UpRight Movement’s Recommended Products Fitness and Nutrition section Page. The Pillars of long lasting change are: Mindset, Recovery, Nutrition/Hydration, and Movement. For further assistance see UpRight Movement’s Regeneration Guidelines. Or See Below   You Are What You Eat Your Are What You Eat Presented by Paul Chek 8 Audio CDs and 1 CD-ROM with e-manual in PDF format This informal discussion with Paul Chek highlights issues to consider when selecting the foods we consume. As Paul points out, our bodies replace millions of cells each day, as our tissues turn over continually. These new cells are made out of the building blocks that come from our food and drink. Do you want your bones, muscles, eyes and hair to be made from low quality fast food or nutritious organic produce? Paul talks about these ideas and more in this informative and entertaining audio program. He discusses research, uncovers controversies and provides suggestions on the following areas: Organic vs. commercially raised foods Cooked food vs. raw food Food processing and food storage Food packaging Genetically modified foods Food irradiation Fiber, colon health and detoxification The pros and cons of grains Alcohol Dairy Animal products, eggs and seafood Fats and oils Sugar Salt Water Microwave ovens The program comes complete with a manual which shows you how to highlight action items for yourself,...